[1] Haojie Liu, Shun Ma, Daoxun Xia* and Shaozi Li, "SFANet: A Spectrum-Aware Feature Augmentation Network for Visible-Infrared Person Reidentification," IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, pages 1-14, 2021. (SCI 1区 TOP,影响因子14.255)
[2] Haojie Liu, Daoxun Xia and Wei Jiang*, “Towards Homogeneous Modality Learning and Head-shoulder Information Exploration for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing (SCI 1区TOP ,影响因子7.695)
[3] Haojie Liu, Daoxun Xia* and Shaozi Li, “Visible-Thermal Person Reidentification in Visual Internet of Things with Random Gray Data Augmentation and A New Pooling Mechanism,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal (SCI 1区TOP ,影响因子10.238)
[4] Daoxun Xia*, Haojie Liu, Lili Xu, and Linna Wang, "Visible-infrared person re- identification with data augmentation via cycle-consistent adversarial network" Neurocomputing, vol. 443, pp. 35–46, 2021. (SCI 2区 TOP,影响因子5.779)
[5] Haojie Liu, Fang Guo, and Daoxun Xia*, "Domain adaptation with structural knowledge transfer learning for person re-identification", Multimedia Tools and Application, vol. 80, pp. 29321–29337, Jun. 2021. (SCI 4区,影响因子2.7570)
[6] Daoxun Xia*, Haojie Liu, Lili Xu, Jiawen Li, Linna Wang, " Self-training with one-shot stepwise learning method for person re-identification", Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience, " volume 33, issue 17. (SCI 4区,影响因子1.5360)
[7] Daoxun Xia*, Fang Guo, Haojie Liu, Sheng Yu, " Unsupervised learning of visual invariant features for person re-identification, " Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, volume 39, pages 7495-7503. (SCI 4区, 影响因子1.5609)
[8] Daoxun Xia*, Haojie Liu, Fang Guo, Weian Li, "Semi-supervised learning of pose-specific detector for human lying-pose detection," International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing, 2021, volume 20, number 4, pages 320–327. (EI源刊)
[9] Fang Guo, Haojie Liu, Daoxun Xia*, "Dynamic Pseudo Labels Sampling for Semi-Supersvied Person Re-Identification, " International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering (ICISCE), 2021, pages 527-532. (EI会议)
[10] Shun Ma, Haojie Liu, Xiaogang Zhu, Yufeng Fan, Caixia Su and Yongfeng Cao*,"MS4PS: A Mentor-Student Architecture for Patient-Specific Seizure Detection With Combination of Transfer Learning and Active Learning," IEEE Access (SCI 3区,影响因子 3.367)
[11] 夏道勋*,郭方,刘浩杰,夏勇,"开放式行人再识别研究进展综述",数据采集与处理,卷号36,期号3,页码 449-467。(CSCD来源期刊)